PinnedGnome Desktop on WSL-2 Using UbuntuIn my previous tutorial I showed how to setup Debain on WSL-2 with SystemD enabled. Now let’s take this one step further and install GNOME…May 24, 20246May 24, 20246
Setting up Debian on WSL2 with SystemdWindows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is like a gateway drug to the world of Linux and in this guide I’d like to get you started with one of…Jul 12, 20231Jul 12, 20231
How to fix Corrupt Windows Registry bit With Linux — Windows Dual BootWhen I dual booted my desktop using fedora and Windows 11 with Secure Boot enabled, I regualrly get an error at boot time complaining that…Apr 23, 2023Apr 23, 2023
Setting Up DNS on Linux (KDE & GNOME)As a noob to Linux setting up a custom DNS can be a daunting task. This is the one-stop-shop for setting up a DNS no matter what desktop…Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022